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Archive for 2017 年 4 月

達人揭秘 穿Nubra卡卡?選尺寸有秘訣 穿上才美







































地表最狂孕婦!#Ella# 懷胎9個多月,即將迎來第一胎「勁寶」,沒想到她竟然挺著大肚跳《渾身是勁》,叫人捏把冷汗。Ella也表示,會拍攝此影片的動機,是因為歌迷的一句話。視頻戳http://t.cn/R6ejKtk Ella還搞笑說「解孵攝影師一鏡到底可以一輩子配合,解接說到做到之挺著大肚子跳渾身是勁!」[笑cry] ​


【「蛋頭先生」配音男星腎衰竭病逝!《玩具3》成絕響】《#玩具總動員# 員》中的蛋頭先生說話逗趣,一碰撞就會四肢分解,給觀眾留下深刻印象,替他配音的喜劇演員唐里克斯也因此走紅,卻驚傳在美國時間周四上午過世,享耆壽90歲,令許多影迷不勝唏噓。

「北一女神」蔡瑞雪穿韓服絕美! 韓網瘋讚:漂亮得像畫










Warplanes strike Syrian town hit by chemical attack

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A protester reacts during a rally against the U.S. missile strikes in Syria, Friday, April 7, 2017, in New York. Hundreds of demonstrators took to New York City streets chanting “Hands off Syria!” and “Money for jobs and education, not for war and occupation!” The U.S. fired a barrage of cruise missiles into Syria on Thursday night in retaliation for a chemical weapons attack against civilians earlier in the week. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki)

BEIRUT (AP) — Warplanes on Saturday struck the Syrian town where a chemical attack had killed scores of people earlier this week, as Turkey warned that a retaliatory U.S. missile strike on a Syrian air base would only be “cosmetic” if greater efforts are not made to remove President Bashar Assad from power.

The airstrikes on the opposition-held northern town of Khan Sheikhoun, where 87 people were killed in the chemical attack earlier this week, killed a woman and wounded her son, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and the Local Coordination Committees, an activist collective.

Elsewhere in Syria, U.S.-led airstrikes killed at least 21 people, including a woman and her six children who were fleeing on a boat across the Euphrates River near the Islamic State group’s self-styled capital, Raqqa, the target of a major offensive by U.S.-backed and Kurdish-led Syrian forces, activists said.

An airstrike on a rebel-held town in the northern Idlib province killed at least 18 people, including women and children, according to the Observatory and Ariha Today, an activist group. It was not immediately clear who carried out the strike.

Near the central city of Homs, a bomb exploded aboard a bus carrying workers, killing a woman and wounding more than 20, according to state TV and the Observatory.

The chemical attack prompted the U.S. to launch nearly 60 Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian air base early Friday, which killed nine people and marked the first time Washington has directly targeted Syrian government forces since the war began in 2011.

The move was welcomed by the Syrian opposition and its main backers, including Turkey and Saudi Arabia, but harshly condemned by Russia and Iran, who back Assad and said striking his forces would complicate the struggle against extremist groups.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said the U.S. strike should be the start of a renewed effort to end the civil war, which has killed an estimated 400,000 people and displaced half of Syria’s population.

“If this intervention is limited only to an air base, if it does not continue and if we don’t remove the regime from heading Syria, then this would remain a cosmetic intervention,” he said.

He said the best outcome would be a peace agreement that leads to a transitional government accepted by all Syrians, followed by elections in which all Syrians, including those living abroad, could vote for new leadership. For that to happen, he said, “this oppressive Assad needs to go.”

Iran, which has provided crucial military and political support to Assad, meanwhile called for a fact-finding mission to determine what caused the chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun. State television quoted Iranian President Hassan Rouhani as saying the committee should be impartial and “must not be headed by Americans.”

Rouhani said “neutral countries should come and assess to make it clear where the chemical weapons came from.”

Syria’s government has denied carrying out any chemical attack, and Russia’s Defense Ministry said the toxic agents were released when a Syrian airstrike hit a rebel chemical weapons arsenal and munitions factory.

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson canceled a planned trip to Russia because of fast-moving events in Syria. Johnson said the situation in Syria has changed “fundamentally” following the chemical attack and the U.S. response.

Johnson condemned Russia’s continued defense of Assad “even after the chemical weapons attack on innocent civilians.”

He had planned to travel to Russia Monday on a trip intended to start a fresh dialogue with Moscow.

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson meanwhile plans to meet with G-7 foreign ministers in Europe next week before going on to Moscow. Johnson said Tillerson will be able to give a “clear and coordinated message to the Russians.”

In Damascus, dozens of Syrian students gathered outside the offices of the United Nations to protest the U.S. missile attack, chanting “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.”

University student Ashraf Fadel said he came to denounce “the unjust American aggression against Syria.” He added that the United Nations was “created to support America instead of serving the wronged people.”

In a separate development, activists opposed to the Islamic State group said a U.S.-led coalition airstrike hit a boat carrying civilians fleeing across the Euphrates River. The groups Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently and Sound and Picture said the attack killed a woman and her six children. The attack occurred in the Shuaib al-Zeker area, near where U.S.-backed Syrian fighters have been battling IS under the cover of coalition airstrikes.

Activists and state media said a separate airstrike by the U.S.-led coalition on the northern IS-held village of Hneida killed at least 14 civilians, including children. The Observatory said 15 people, including four children, were killed in the airstrike. The Sound and Picture group said the airstrike hit an internet cafe, killing 14 people.

In Saudi Arabia, the official Saudi Press Agency reported that U.S. President Donald Trump has spoken by telephone with King Salman about the U.S. missile strike on Syria.

The news agency reported that during the Friday phone call, the Saudi monarch congratulated Trump for his “courageous decision.”

Saudi Arabia said the missile launch was the right response to “the crimes of this regime to its people in light of the failure of the international community to stop it.”

The kingdom is among the most vehement opponents of Assad and supports Sunni rebel groups fighting to oust him. The Sunni rulers of Saudi Arabia are in a power struggle for regional dominance with Iran’s Shiite government.


Associated Press writers Aya Batrawy in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Zeynep Bilginsoy in Istanbul and Albert Aji in Damascus, Syria contributed to this report.

林心如 肖像被不法商家盜用

【#林心如# 肖像被不法商家盜用 經紀人維權卻遭無視】據台灣媒體報道,近日,林心如被違法商人盜取肖像權銷售臉部按摩棒。經紀人第一時間發出警告,卻遭對方封鎖,讓她相當無奈。據悉,林心如曾在某節目上示範過使用金色的美容棒按摩臉部,以達到抗皺功效,怎料有銷售此種美容棒的數個商家盜取影片截圖,謊稱她也是使用者之一,讓她無端成了免費代言人,她說:「很多朋友來問,我真沒有代言,而且我有代言其他的美容滾輪儀器,人家會混淆的!」


每次公開現身總是穿著正式套裝、精緻禮服的凱特王妃(Kate Middleton),難得曝光私下參與家庭聚會的真實面貌!近日,凱特的妹妹琵琶(Pippa Middleton)大婚在即,一家人包含凱特王妃(Kate Middleton)、威廉王子(Prince William)特別聚在一起與妹妹的未婚夫家人見面吃飯,而此行也讓兩位皇室成員私下輕鬆的一面曝光。


據英國《每日郵報》報導,凱特王妃(Kate Middleton)與威廉王子(Prince William)近日低調現身琵琶(Pippa Middleton)未婚夫詹姆斯‧馬修斯(James Matthews)位於倫敦西部的住家,只見兩位皇室成員難得輕便上街,威廉穿著襯衫與牛仔褲,凱特則以印花洋裝搭配清爽馬尾髮型亮相,親民又散發優雅氣質的一面讓人大讚她連私服品味都無可挑剔。

(圖片擷取自Daily Mail)


(圖片擷取自Daily Mail)

不同於平時高貴又端莊的禮服造型那般充滿距離感,凱特王妃(Kate Middleton)身上這件印花洋裝立刻成為熱搜話題!「衣Q」出眾的她選擇以英國品牌TEMPERLEY的平口洋裝出席與妹妹未來公婆見面的聚會,並巧妙地將領口拉成圓領狀,避免過於性感、不夠正式的印象,而這件洋裝也不意外的瞬間「秒殺」,再次見證她強大的穿搭實力。

最令人稱羨的工作!每日躺沙發10小時 輕鬆賺進30K

▲(圖/攝自Филиал ВГТРК ГТРК “Башкортостан”)


▼(圖/攝自Филиал ВГТРК ГТРК “Башкортостан”)


其中,來自巴什科爾托斯坦首府烏法(Ufa)26歲的安娜‧切丹希瓦(Anna Cherdantseva),從5千多名應徵者中脫穎而出,成功獲得了「沙發測試員」的職位,而她上班時數約10小時,主要工作內容就是測試新款沙發的安全性和舒適感。

▼(圖/攝自Филиал ВГТРК ГТРК “Башкортостан”)

該公司發言人安娜斯塔西亞‧魯斯基(Anastasia Russkih)表示,他們評估過所有應徵者的履歷表之後,挑出包括切丹希瓦在內7名候選人,由於切丹希瓦擁有行銷背景,因此被視為最適合這份工作的人選。切丹希瓦目前仍在3個月的試用期內,月薪為1000元(約新台幣3萬元),未來她的表現如果令公司滿意,便可在試用期滿後成為正式員工。

▼(圖/攝自Филиал ВГТРК ГТРК “Башкортостан”)
