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Emma Watson’s Definition of Feminism Should Count for Beyoncé, Too

emma watson topless photoshoot feminism


Emma Watson, under fire for appearing in a braless photo for Vanity Fair, pushed back against critics, which reminds us of when she had similar misgivings about Beyoncé. (Photo: Getty Images)


When Emma Watson was featured on the cover of the latest issue of Vanity Fair, with an accompanying spread that sees her braless with a cutout top, she got a fair bit of criticism online from all sides. And while the star of Beauty and the Beast had not responded before, she recently did on a press junket interview for the new film. “Is there a controversy about this?” she asked sarcastically.

“It just always reveals to me of how many misconceptions and misunderstandings there [are] about what feminism is,” the 26-year old told the BBC about the reaction to the Tim Walker photograph. “Feminism is about giving women choice. Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with. It’s about freedom, it’s about liberation, it’s about equality.”

“I really don’t know what my t*ts have to do with it,” she continued. In the photograph, Watson is wearing a Burberry crochet cape — with no blouse.

“I was slightly taken aback by [that specific shot] because we were doing so many crazy things on that shoot,” the U.N. Women’s goodwill ambassador said. “It had felt so artistic, and I had been so creatively involved and engaged with Tim. I am so thrilled with how interesting and beautiful the photographs were.” But for some, the comments seem hypocritical.

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Feminism should not be used as a measuring stick to criticize and ridicule other women, but it should advocate for a woman’s right to choose how she presents her body, thoughts and emotions. Watson’s track record doesn’t exactly reflect that, as some have pointed out.

In an interview with Wonderland magazine, Watson commented on Beyoncé’s self-titled album. “As I was watching it, I felt very conflicted,” she said. “I felt her message felt very conflicted in the sense that, on the one hand, she is putting herself in a category of a feminist, but then the camera, it felt very male — such a male, voyeuristic experience of her.” But wait, as we all know, it’s Beyoncé who makes the final decision on how she is portrayed, in every sense. So what’s the difference?

That ability to talk out of both sides of your mouth about feminism is what some have derisively deemed “white feminism.” It is categorized as having the sort of viewpoint that, on one hand, defends the speaker (usually a white subject), while at the same time criticizing feminism as it is expressed by others (typically women of color): that is, using feminism as a stick with which to beat other women, essentially.

Here, Watson contends that feminism is about giving women a choice. It was her choice to appear in the way that she did in Walker’s photograph. It was partially her version, apparently, as she was creatively involved in the shoot. But wasn’t Beyoncé, as well? Hasn’t she engineered and directed all aspects of her career and her image, since firing her father back in 2011? Wasn’t she also creatively involved in the final look of her album?

To be fair, Watson may have evolved since her original statements and come to understand that one can be both a feministand appear in lingerie. One can be both sexy to men and adamant about the rights of women. And while it’s her choice whether she reveals this maturation to the public, doing so could go a long way toward letting people understand her seemingly contradictory positions.

高三女孩發現自己竟是男性 是他還是她?


女孩不来例假去检查 发现自己竟是男性

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舊金山漢代王陵瑰寶展 情趣文物最吸睛



舊金山亞博館媒體負責人羅斯(Zac Rose)表示,這項展覽揭開了神秘又保守的中國宮廷情色文化,2件銅鑄情趣文物讓許多外國族裔大開眼見,對漢朝的浪漫文化留下深刻印象。


性學博士昆恩(Carol Queen)在晚宴中為罕見的情趣用品解說,她認為,漢代多彩多姿和豐富的文化史上少有。近年來中國社會逐漸放寬對性的相關話題,讓全球人士對神秘的中國文化更加了解,這是非常重要的。

昆恩表示,博物館展示的2個銅製情趣文物,因為內部中空,可能有避孕的功效。她開玩笑說, 金屬做的比橡膠材質可靠多了。

















NFL Twitter erupts after John Ross breaks Chris Johnson’s 40-yard dash record


Washington wide receiver John Ross ran the 40-yard dash in a blazing 4.22 seconds.


John Ross shocked the football world Saturday with an incredible 40-yard dash time. Ross’ run of 4.22 seconds brokeChris Johnson’s record from 200a8 of 4.24 seconds, and everyone is freaking out about it.

First, the former record-holder weighed in after seeing Ross run:

Johnson wasn’t the only football star to show respect for the new king of the 40-yard dash.

Even Ross’ Washington classmates couldn’t contain themselves. Basketball stars Markelle Fultz, who could be this year’s No. 1 overall NBA draft pick, and Kelsey Plum, the NCAA D1 Women’s Basketball all-time scorer, were amazed by Ross:

While the run was great, it’s a shame he won’t win the island after wearing Nike cleats instead of Adidas. But that didn’t stop NFL players from advocating for Ross.

袁詠儀 陀B兩個月? 張智霖回應︰係真嘅!

袁詠儀 (靚靚)與張智霖(Chilam) 的兒子張慕童(魔童) 在2006年出世後,兩公婆曾講過希望可以追多個女,不過一直未有好消息傳出。但今日有報道指靚靚終於造人成功,現時陀B兩個月!到底是否屬實呢?今日Chilam同靚靚夫婦檔在澳門出席活動時,就正式解答大家!



而今日Chilam同靚靚在澳門出席活動時,自然被傳媒追問懷孕一事!Chilam一開始表示覺得好開心,因為佢哋家中會添一個新成員… 不過只係報道講的。其後又笑指靚靚其實係肥到似有咗BB兩個月,所以被傳媒朋友誤會!靚靚聞後即搞笑扮嬲︰「我唔做訪問啦!」

“第一狗仔”卓偉被偷拍 疑帶妻泰國做試管嬰兒







IS維族分子下戰書 向中國發動恐襲






澳洲國立大學國家安全學院的新疆問題學者克拉克(Michael Clarke)對法新社表示,這是IS首次向中國發出直接威脅。他認為,片段顯示中國現時「非常肯定地是IS的襲擊目標」。

事實上,伊斯蘭國此前已多次對中國發出警告。二○一四年,IS領袖巴格達迪(Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi)曾狠批中國強行剝奪中國穆斯林的權利,指責中國政府在新疆的政策。當年,五十歲中國人樊京輝被伊斯蘭國恐怖分子綁架勒索,最終被殺害。事後伊斯蘭國便公開列出多個反IS國家,中國亦榜上有名。


TV reporter interviews man on the street … has no idea it’s NFL star Adrian Peterson

Houston Fox 26 reporter John Donnelly was doing a normal story on how to stay safe in a road rage incident, talking to people on the street. You’ve seen these types of TV news stories before; they’re fairly common.

What was unusual here is that the man on the street Donnelly interviewed happened to be future Pro Football Hall of Famer Adrian Peterson … and Donnelly had no idea.

The story comes via TVNewsStoryTellers.com, and it’s awesome. At the end of the interview, Donnelly asks the guy he’s been talking to about road rage his name, like he would with anyone else, and the subject says “Adrian Peterson.”

“Wait a minute, you’re not … ” Donnelly said.

“Yeah,” Peterson says after a brief, awkward pause.

That’s just amazing. The flip side of the story is funny too. Peterson must have figured he was being stopped to talk about his NFL future – he’s set to be a free agent on March 9, after the Minnesota Vikings made big news this week by announcing they won’t pick up his 2017 option – or whatever else a reporter would ask of Peterson if he saw him on the street. It must have been nice for Peterson to be treated for a minute like John Smith from Katy, Texas, just talking about how to handle a road rage situation.

Donnelly had fun with the video, posting on Facebook, “Here I am interviewing people on the street and not realizing I’d stopped a celebrity. Enjoy the awkwardness!” He and Peterson took a picture together after he figured out this was Adrian Peterson.

The Peterson video now ranks No. 2 in “didn’t realize it was an NFL player during a man on the street interview” history, behind “Hopeful Powerball player” Chris Long.

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