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Posts Tagged ‘ roger vivier

The Epic Roger Vivier Sample Sale Returns on Friday


camille seydoux and roger vivier

monday is already starting off with a bang. Sale venue Soiffer Haskin just announced that the Roger Vivier sample sale will kick off its four-day event on Friday, March 18th at 10am with discounts on shoes, bags, and accessories.

You’ll probably want to plot your attack now, because everything about last year’s sale was epic, starting with the lines and ending with the merchandise selection. Once inside the sale — after waiting for two hours — we found that your basic pump with a three-inch heels was $250. From the signature series, flats and low chunky heels were $330, and heels were $360.

Strappy heels, stilettos, and all other open-toe shoes without a buckle (literally labeled “other shoes”) were also $360. Both plain chunky-heeled and plain stiletto booties were $400, but prices went up to $800 for bedazzled or more intricate ones.

There was also a ten-pair purchase limit last time, and restocking never happened — whether either of these policies will return this year is unclear. In short? Clear your calendar on Friday if you’re looking for deeply discounted heels. Check out the Dealfeed below for more information.

Roger Vivier courts celebrity for distinct denim capsule collection

Camille Seydoux's Prismick Denim collection

French footwear and accessories label Roger Vivier is courting ultra-chic youth with the help of a celebrity stylist.

Camille Seydoux has taken control of the brand’s Prismick line and revealed an all-denim capsule collection of her own. With a clear design principle and a star-powered campaign, the collaboration will likely find dedicated fans drawn to its unique aesthetic.

“Bringing in outside influencers for a capsule poses excellent opportunities for brands, from increased sales, to refreshing brand image, growing demographics, placements and more, said Paul Farkas, Co-Founder and CEO, Athleisure Mag andAccessory2. “While inspired by a je ne sais quoi Jane Birkin moment, Camille Seydoux channels a bit more Katy Perry/Britney Spears, which works in it’s own right.

“Indeed, the capsule is charming and promises lots of fun, whimsical looks, as the premium denim will play well with mixed looks, day to night, and the festival scene,” he said.

Dressed in denim
The collection is made up of six pieces: platform sandals, ankle boots, sneakers, a shoulder bag, a bucket bag and a backpack. All six pieces are made of denim, chosen in part for its resistance.

The collection marks Ms. Seydoux’s first partnership with a brand. She has previously opened an art gallery and currently designs bespoke dresses for actresses, including her sister, Léa Seydoux.

“I began by attentively exploring my own Prismick bag, which is in a melting fade of black and grey,” Ms. Seydoux, who designed the collection, said in a statement. “I wanted to work on the idea of facets that make up grades of shading.

Denim platform boot

“I looked through the maison’s archives and then I thought of denim,” she continued. “It’s a fabric that naturally burnishes. Denim is both classic and modern, and, significant detail, is very resistant.”

The limited-edition collection will go on sale in the brand’s retail outlets this month.

A cocktail party on March 7 at Roger Vivier’s Paris store took place in honor of the collaboration. Attendees included actress Adèle Exarchopoulos and her “Blue is the Warmest Color” co-star Léa Seydoux, also the designer’s sister and most recent “Bond Girl” for her role in “Spectre.” Photos from the event were shared on Roger Vivier’s social media platforms.

lea-seydoux-adele-exarchopoulos-and-camille-seydoux Roger Vivier
Léa Seydoux, Adèle Exarchopoulos and Camille Seydoux

Roger Vivier also created a video, starring actresses Lubna Playoust, Lola Le Lann and the designer herself.

The video begins with the co-stars calling one another on the phone and arranging a get together. These opening moments aside, there is no dialogue, with only a bass vamp and occasional sound effects on the soundtrack.

The three women get together to play a game, with one of them seen in close-up putting on a pair of the Prismick Denim collection’s sneakers. At the table, in a jump cut, the character played by Ms. Le Lann appears to pull the collection’s purse out of thin air.

A server brings dice, which the women take turns rolling. As they do so, more items from the collection materialize.

The server brings the platform sandals, which Ms. Seydoux strikes a match on. The server then blows it out, but upon doing so, the music drops out and everything except the dice disappear.

He rolls them, and a cart featuring the whole collection appears and the music restarts.

Magic Denim – Camille Seydoux for Roger Vivier

“The video short is well produced and correctly showcases the capsule collection as the star of the magic denim theme,” Mr. Farkas said. “The image breakouts aptly features pin-it hot keys for shareable goodness. Posting highlights from the in-store cocktail party launch ties the festivities and celebration with the campaign.”

The distinct aesthetic and quirky video style will likely attract a self-selecting, specific audience. Heavily targeted collections can help a brand build a loyal audience and cultivate a distinct identity, helping it to stand out within the sector.

Careful and consistent
Roger Vivier’s recognizable style often extends from its products into its marketing strategy.

For example, last year the brand showed off its new styles through a retro-futuristic comic book-themed spring catalog.

“Super Vivier” told the story of a fashionable woman and her sidekick shoes and handbags who help her defeat boring style. By featuring its products in the context of a narrative, the brand lengthens the time consumers will likely spend engaging with the new collections (see story).

The brand also tends to tap into celebrities with a discernible youth appeal to help it reach its target market.

In June, Roger Vivier embraced a classic French aesthetic with its latest brand ambassador for the fall/winter 2015 collection.

Roger Vivier chose to tap Jeanne Damas for the year’s campaign, emphasizing the young French blogger’s signature style and Parisian sophistication. Working with a popular blogger for the campaign likely helped Roger Vivier connect with a younger audience while still maintaining its classic French appeal (see story).

“Denim cuts across generations and price points, it’s a mainstay and sexy fabrication,” Mr. Farkas said. “The hues, washes and accessory bodies here can elegantly welcome more mass consumers to the brand, while not disrupting bonds with the more traditional shoppers.”

Tod’s老板排除出售可能性 或将向Tod’s转让Roger Vivier

随着退休年纪的临近,意大利奢侈品集团Tod’s SpA 创始人主席及联合首席执行官Diego Della Valle 可能出售家族业务的传闻再度甚嚣尘上,不过他否认有这样的计划。

在LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton 酩悦·轩尼诗-路易·威登集团于Tod’s SpA 2000年11月IPO 时购入了3.5%股权以及Della Valle 兄弟于2011年配售10%股份后,Della Valle 家族目前持有约57%的Tod’s SpA 股份。

今年以来市场不断猜测Tod’s SpA 将成为LVMH 等奢侈品集团等潜在买家的收购目标。在接受《金融时报》采访时,今年61岁的Diego Della Valle 表示自己从来都不是“卖家”,并透露与LVMH 主席兼首席执行官Bernard Arnault 见面时谈论美食、艺术之余也会谈及工作,但Bernard Arnault 和他一样,都是“买家”。Diego Della Valle 在2002年获任命出任LVMH 集团董事局成员。

不过Diego Della Valle 不排除会向Tod’s SpA 出售奢侈鞋履品牌Roger Vivier。Tod’s SpA 目前只是Roger Vivier 的生产和分销商,该品牌2003年被Della Valle 家族旗下的私人控股公司收购,2011年Tod’s SpA 和Roger Vivier 续签代理合约时曾试图进行收购,但当时Diego Della Valle 拒绝出售,双方当前的合约将于2016年到期。Tod’s SpA 首席财务官Emilio Macellari 2014年曾提及会在今年下半年重启对Roger Vivier 的收购。

虽然受到极度疲软的大中华区市场(销售恒定汇率-12.6%)严重冲击,但Tod’s SpA 在最近的二季度得到显着改善(实际汇率增15%),推动上半年业绩超越市场预期:净销售同比增长7.9%至5.153亿欧元,好过市场期望的5.005亿欧元,恒定汇率下增幅1.9%;核心盈利EBITDA 1.030亿欧元也优于市场预测的9,550万欧元。集团首席财务官Emilio Macellari 表示有信心达到全年销售增速和EBITDA 可分别达到市场预期的5.4%和2亿欧元。

Diego Della Valle 表示中国奢侈品市场的重新校正属于意料之内,并认为矫正只会维持很短的时间,中国“仍将会是世界最大市场”。

Tod’s SpA周三尾盘报80.25欧元,微涨0.75%,该股2015年迄今累计上涨11.4%。

浪漫紅唇獻吻情人節!羅傑·維維亞 (Roger Vivier) 推出2016情人節“A Kiss親吻”系列配飾新品

罗杰·维维亚 (Roger Vivier) 在情人节到来之际,推出一系列“A Kiss 亲吻”配饰新品,以性感红唇图案诉说恋人间的甜蜜故事,新颖别致,倍增节日氛围。

罗杰·维维亚 (Roger Vivier) 2016春夏A Kiss亲吻系列鞋靴




罗杰·维维亚 (Roger Vivier) 2016春夏A Kiss亲吻系列鞋靴



罗杰·维维亚 (Roger Vivier) 2016春夏A Kiss亲吻系列包袋



罗杰·维维亚 (Roger Vivier) 在情人节到来之际,推出一系列“A Kiss 亲吻”配饰新品,以性感红唇图案诉说恋人间的甜蜜故事,新颖别致,倍增节日氛围。此次,Roger Vivier以一系列经典的单品全新诠释演绎了“A Kiss亲吻”这一爱的象征。创意总监Bruno Frisoni从品牌标志性的设计中汲取灵感,以爱的名义赋予这些单品全新面貌。

经典凉鞋舒适并富有质感,加上红唇图案后别有一番趣味,弥漫着早春靓丽多彩的气息。Gommette芭蕾舞平底鞋一直是品牌倍受喜爱的鞋款,继2015年“Love”系列的成功推出后,“A Kiss亲吻”会成为街头上另一个耀眼的标识,无论是搭配休闲的牛仔裤或是优雅的小礼服,该款鞋履都会成为点睛之笔。手包以红唇图案点缀,配以经典的方形饰扣,精巧时髦,优雅百搭。

“A Kiss亲吻”情人节特别系列将于12月于Roger Vivier精品店陆续上市,无论是给心爱的她或是给带上红唇追求缘分的自己,一起来感受浓情蜜意吧。

少女時代組合成員林允兒身著Pierre Balmain白色西服現身Roger Vivier的活動

1月28日,少女时代组合成员林允儿身着Pierre Balmain白色西服,搭配Roger Vivier高跟鞋与荧光黄包包出席Roger Vivier在韩国首尔举办的活动。

少女时代组合成员林允儿身着Pierre Balmain白色西服搭配Roger Vivier黑色低跟鞋,拎Roger Vivier柠檬黄手袋

Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚2016春夏系列预览现场

仲夏的甜蜜 Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚2016春夏系列预览
Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚2016春夏系列预览现场

  近日,Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚于北京银泰精品店举办其2016春夏系列新品预览,完美演绎70年代风情。创意总监Bruno Frisoni布鲁诺·弗里索尼匠心独运,采用流行印花、复古花朵图案与怀旧色彩,凸显奢华浪漫,将70年代魅力风情演绎得淋漓尽致。对比鲜明的色彩打造出惊艳效果,诠释了颠覆传统的70年代风格。本季主推新品中的运动鞋系列Sneaky Viv’,及轻盈小巧的Viv’手提包也在现场模特的演绎下灵动呈现,呈现别具法式浪漫情调的仲夏甜蜜气息。

仲夏的甜蜜 Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚2016春夏系列预览

仲夏的甜蜜 Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚2016春夏系列预览

仲夏的甜蜜 Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚2016春夏系列预览
Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚2016春夏系列预览现场




Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚首次推出运动鞋系列Sneaky Viv’。该系列采用经典方形水晶饰扣点缀白色、印花或黑色皮革,彰显2016春夏系列的大胆前卫。

仲夏的甜蜜 Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚2016春夏系列预览

  日装– Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚秉承其卓尔不凡的设计理念和精湛工艺,采用纯手工制作,凸显俏皮趣味感。为诠释这一理念,Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚推出灵感源自芭蕾舞鞋的平底凉鞋,饰有经典饰扣设计和性感踝带。Pilgrim凉鞋经过重新设计,采用低跟设计,配有厚底和后跟带。

仲夏的甜蜜 Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚2016春夏系列预览

  晚装– 该系列选用精致面料,展现1970年代的复古美感。手提包、细高跟鞋和晚宴鞋采用饰扣或球形设计,以水钻花饰点缀真丝缎面,彰显精湛手工工艺。Amazone gladiator凉鞋饰有精美饰扣,凸显修长腿部曲线。


全新比例– 该系列受Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚1970年代早期典藏设计的启发,采用全新比例,融入更多几何元素和当代气息,造型更为精巧时尚。Cube系列坡跟凉鞋时髦前卫,尽显性感迷人风情。立方体坡跟鞋跟精巧美观,鞋面饰有金属饰扣,鞋身天然精选的皮革则以彩色印花和花饰加以点缀,有银色和黑色可供选择。搭配精致系带与精巧扣饰,展现妩媚动人的气质,打造自信前卫的风格。

仲夏的甜蜜 Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚2016春夏系列预览

仲夏的甜蜜 Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚2016春夏系列预览


轻盈小巧– Viv’手提包彰显Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚的纯粹设计理念,呈现时尚美感。其设计风格令人联想到1950年代的Miss Viv’经典手提包,新款造型采用全新设计,精选高档皮革,自由随性,与女性的曼妙身姿相得益彰。轻盈小巧的Viv’手提包可随意斜跨,悠闲地漫步在小镇中,度过愉悦的一天。中央点缀略圆的金属饰扣不禁令人联想到精巧的手镯。Viv’手提包有三种尺寸可供选择:方形、迷你款和细长形。包身采用简约纯色,精选经编蟒蛇皮,饰以水晶刺绣,尽显优雅风情。

仲夏的甜蜜 Roger Vivier罗杰·维维亚2016春夏系列预览

Ines de la Fressange: ‘I can make whatever I wish!’

Ines de la Fressange: 'I can make whatever I wish!'
Ines de la Fressange

Model Ines de la Fressange loves having her own brand because she has the ability to make whatever she wants to wear.

The 58-year-old relaunched her self-titled brand and boutique in 2015, with her Parisian background clear to see in her designs. When it comes to choosing her ensembles, Ines, who has collaborated with Uniqlo on several collections, relishes the fact that she can whip up anything she desires through her company.

“Now that I have my brand I can make what I wish,” she told W magazine. “For instance, a cashmere sweater with the shape of Shetlands sweaters that existed in the ‘70s. At Uniqlo, I did linen jackets that could have been worn by Paul Cézanne, safari jackets, and long, large shirts that I want to wear in summer.”

When it comes to her day-to-day look, Ines is all about the accessories, and knows that a good pair of shoes can turn an outfit from casual to cool.

“A pair of velvet loafers from Roger Vivier with embroideries, they often save my looks that are underdressed,” Ines said of her favourite footwear.

She added of her choices to finish off her ensemble: “My Pilgrim Vivier bag usually gives refinement and I often wear a navy blue and white spotted scarf.”

There are several items though that feature on Ines’ most hated fashion list. The things she lists are common in many a wardrobe, but Ines insists she can’t think of anything worse than wearing them.

“Leggings – who do they fit?” she asked. “Dancers, maybe… and bras with transparent straps. How can anyone think it’s nice?”

Ines is known for her pride in her French heritage and has now penned a book about her favourite places in the capital, entitled Parisian Chic City Guide.

While she encouraged people to buy the book to find out her best tips, Ines did reveal some of her most beloved haunts during the chat.

“I love Cru restaurant – it means ‘raw’ but everything isn’t raw,” she said. “And I like Le Bon Saint Pourcain – it’s so French. I don’t go in hotels in Paris but if I do, I like Hôtel de L’Abbaye. For jewelry, Whitebird, where many different designers are represented, is a great choice. And, of course, the genius Elie Top. He was the last assistant of Yves Saint-Laurent – handsome, gentle and talented.”

凱特·布蘭切特休閒演繹Roger Vivier Sneaky Viv’運動鞋

2016 年1 月20 日東京,好萊塢著名影星Cate Blanchett 凱特•布蘭切特以一身深藍色休閒裝搭配Roger Vivier 羅傑•維維亞Snaeky Viv’藍色緞面鑽扣運動鞋現身東京羽田機場,酷勁十足,個性演繹席捲當下時尚圈的運動風潮流,簡潔的緞面搭配鑽扣的設計,增添了幾分華麗感,運動隨性卻不失法式優雅氣質。

2016 年春夏,Roger Vivier 羅傑·維維亞首次推出運動鞋履系列Sneaky Viv’,兼具時髦前衛與精緻優雅,完美打造日常休閒風。 Roger Vivier 羅傑·維維亞標誌性的方扣設計遇上滑板愛好者必備的白色運動鞋,兩大經典元素巧妙融合,呈現驚艷視覺效果。



Roger Vivier Rendez-Vous Fall 2016

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袁姍姍出席Roger Vivier靜態展 秀美腿性感優雅

1月26日15點巴黎高定時裝週期間,袁姍姍現身法國裝飾藝術博物館,作為亞洲唯一受邀女星出席Roger Vivier靜態展。身著櫻花粉色套裝的袁姍姍,搭配拼色露趾鞋和銀色幾何鏈條包,品牌設計師Bruno Frisoni稱讚今天的袁姍姍“優雅而甜美”。現場袁姍姍還與形像大使Ines de la Fressange討論了各自最愛的時尚風格。