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The Epic Roger Vivier Sample Sale Returns on Friday


camille seydoux and roger vivier

monday is already starting off with a bang. Sale venue Soiffer Haskin just announced that the Roger Vivier sample sale will kick off its four-day event on Friday, March 18th at 10am with discounts on shoes, bags, and accessories.

You’ll probably want to plot your attack now, because everything about last year’s sale was epic, starting with the lines and ending with the merchandise selection. Once inside the sale — after waiting for two hours — we found that your basic pump with a three-inch heels was $250. From the signature series, flats and low chunky heels were $330, and heels were $360.

Strappy heels, stilettos, and all other open-toe shoes without a buckle (literally labeled “other shoes”) were also $360. Both plain chunky-heeled and plain stiletto booties were $400, but prices went up to $800 for bedazzled or more intricate ones.

There was also a ten-pair purchase limit last time, and restocking never happened — whether either of these policies will return this year is unclear. In short? Clear your calendar on Friday if you’re looking for deeply discounted heels. Check out the Dealfeed below for more information.

Roger Vivier courts celebrity for distinct denim capsule collection

Camille Seydoux's Prismick Denim collection

French footwear and accessories label Roger Vivier is courting ultra-chic youth with the help of a celebrity stylist.

Camille Seydoux has taken control of the brand’s Prismick line and revealed an all-denim capsule collection of her own. With a clear design principle and a star-powered campaign, the collaboration will likely find dedicated fans drawn to its unique aesthetic.

“Bringing in outside influencers for a capsule poses excellent opportunities for brands, from increased sales, to refreshing brand image, growing demographics, placements and more, said Paul Farkas, Co-Founder and CEO, Athleisure Mag andAccessory2. “While inspired by a je ne sais quoi Jane Birkin moment, Camille Seydoux channels a bit more Katy Perry/Britney Spears, which works in it’s own right.

“Indeed, the capsule is charming and promises lots of fun, whimsical looks, as the premium denim will play well with mixed looks, day to night, and the festival scene,” he said.

Dressed in denim
The collection is made up of six pieces: platform sandals, ankle boots, sneakers, a shoulder bag, a bucket bag and a backpack. All six pieces are made of denim, chosen in part for its resistance.

The collection marks Ms. Seydoux’s first partnership with a brand. She has previously opened an art gallery and currently designs bespoke dresses for actresses, including her sister, Léa Seydoux.

“I began by attentively exploring my own Prismick bag, which is in a melting fade of black and grey,” Ms. Seydoux, who designed the collection, said in a statement. “I wanted to work on the idea of facets that make up grades of shading.

Denim platform boot

“I looked through the maison’s archives and then I thought of denim,” she continued. “It’s a fabric that naturally burnishes. Denim is both classic and modern, and, significant detail, is very resistant.”

The limited-edition collection will go on sale in the brand’s retail outlets this month.

A cocktail party on March 7 at Roger Vivier’s Paris store took place in honor of the collaboration. Attendees included actress Adèle Exarchopoulos and her “Blue is the Warmest Color” co-star Léa Seydoux, also the designer’s sister and most recent “Bond Girl” for her role in “Spectre.” Photos from the event were shared on Roger Vivier’s social media platforms.

lea-seydoux-adele-exarchopoulos-and-camille-seydoux Roger Vivier
Léa Seydoux, Adèle Exarchopoulos and Camille Seydoux

Roger Vivier also created a video, starring actresses Lubna Playoust, Lola Le Lann and the designer herself.

The video begins with the co-stars calling one another on the phone and arranging a get together. These opening moments aside, there is no dialogue, with only a bass vamp and occasional sound effects on the soundtrack.

The three women get together to play a game, with one of them seen in close-up putting on a pair of the Prismick Denim collection’s sneakers. At the table, in a jump cut, the character played by Ms. Le Lann appears to pull the collection’s purse out of thin air.

A server brings dice, which the women take turns rolling. As they do so, more items from the collection materialize.

The server brings the platform sandals, which Ms. Seydoux strikes a match on. The server then blows it out, but upon doing so, the music drops out and everything except the dice disappear.

He rolls them, and a cart featuring the whole collection appears and the music restarts.

Magic Denim – Camille Seydoux for Roger Vivier

“The video short is well produced and correctly showcases the capsule collection as the star of the magic denim theme,” Mr. Farkas said. “The image breakouts aptly features pin-it hot keys for shareable goodness. Posting highlights from the in-store cocktail party launch ties the festivities and celebration with the campaign.”

The distinct aesthetic and quirky video style will likely attract a self-selecting, specific audience. Heavily targeted collections can help a brand build a loyal audience and cultivate a distinct identity, helping it to stand out within the sector.

Careful and consistent
Roger Vivier’s recognizable style often extends from its products into its marketing strategy.

For example, last year the brand showed off its new styles through a retro-futuristic comic book-themed spring catalog.

“Super Vivier” told the story of a fashionable woman and her sidekick shoes and handbags who help her defeat boring style. By featuring its products in the context of a narrative, the brand lengthens the time consumers will likely spend engaging with the new collections (see story).

The brand also tends to tap into celebrities with a discernible youth appeal to help it reach its target market.

In June, Roger Vivier embraced a classic French aesthetic with its latest brand ambassador for the fall/winter 2015 collection.

Roger Vivier chose to tap Jeanne Damas for the year’s campaign, emphasizing the young French blogger’s signature style and Parisian sophistication. Working with a popular blogger for the campaign likely helped Roger Vivier connect with a younger audience while still maintaining its classic French appeal (see story).

“Denim cuts across generations and price points, it’s a mainstay and sexy fabrication,” Mr. Farkas said. “The hues, washes and accessory bodies here can elegantly welcome more mass consumers to the brand, while not disrupting bonds with the more traditional shoppers.”

9歲天才童星雅各 小西裝紅領結喜滋滋奪影帝!










每當看著鏡子裡的自己,我就感到滿足」美國知名男模艾胥莉(Ashley Laith)在17歲那年告訴父母自己的性向,當時不被認同,經歷過許多波折後,現在父母不僅以他為傲,艾胥莉也躍升為時裝秀知名模特兒。據英國《每日郵報》指出,26歲的艾胥莉在5歲時就意識到自己的靈魂裝錯了身體,濃眉大眼、深邃的輪廓在當時就已經相當有魅力,17歲那年不被父母認同,直到2年前,他開始服用雄激素,開始為手術做準備。手術後的艾胥莉成功以男模特兒的身分進入模特兒圈,走過許多知名時裝秀,現在Instagram上已經有過6萬粉絲,甚至連知名演員琥碧戈柏(Whoopi Goldberg)和電影女星拉佛恩考克斯(Laverne Cox)都成為他的粉絲。艾胥莉表示,「每當我走進商店或健身房,總是會有人認出我,現在當模特兒的感覺非常好。」



許魏洲原要演顧海? 黃景瑜宛如「床戲機器」

許魏洲原要演顧海? 黃景瑜宛如「床戲機器」 | yam蕃薯藤新聞










GFRIEND曝編舞版《時光飛逝》MV 「熱舞機器」甜美舞動



《時光飛逝》的編舞版MV中,GFRIEND通過動感舞姿詮釋抒情歌詞,展現出少女般青春活力的氣息。 「自我介紹」舞、「時間穿梭」舞、「單相思」舞等以時間為主旋律的表演令MV更加生動有趣。

1月25日發佈的《時光飛逝》MV截止至現在點擊率已突破820萬次,人氣火爆行進中。 GFRIEND憑藉《時光飛逝》成為2016年音樂節目首個大滿貫的歌手。 在KBS 2TV《MUSIC BANK》中蟬聯2周第一,也是今年女團當中首個刷新連續獲冠的紀錄的女團。 至此,GFRIEND成為現今名副其實的‘大勢’女團。

GFRIEND將於今日(2月16日)攜新歌《時光飛逝》亮相SBS MTV《THE SHOW5》。

SHINee泰民發個人專輯 抱歉讓粉絲等久了

韓國人氣男組合SHINee成員泰民推出正規個人專輯《Press It》,並於22日通過明星直播app「V」公開了showcase現場。


陳奕迅上台與麥當娜鬥舞 獲頒送一隻蕉

麥當娜澳門演唱會於凌晨12時35分完場,今晚她請了陳奕迅上台,娜姐問他叫甚麼名,台下樂迷大隨即大叫Eason。陳奕迅亦自我介紹英文名Eason,並向娜姐表示”Season without S”。

娜姐問Eason有無飲酒,Eason說今日無,更自言他本人natural high。娜姐大讚他跳舞勁,因他上台跳break dance跳到趴地再蜈蚣彈。她又問Eason有沒有錢,並找他褲袋。她最後將錢放入胸部,送Eason一隻蕉,叫Eason舔,Eason則回應稱女兒在場,娜姐就回應:「你回家識做吧!」



咸嫂用簡體字 惹中港網民駁火

萬人迷球星碧咸一家趁前日情人節飛到紐約支持太太Victoria的自家品牌時裝騷,席間正式宣布下月18日將來港開設全球第二間實體時裝店。同時碧咸嫂亦在社交網站分享宣傳片公布喜訊,更特意以中文留言以示親切,豈料用了簡體字,隨即引來網民的非議。 碧咸嫂Victoria日情人節於紐約時裝周上公布來港開店的喜訊後,隨即在其粉絲眾多的Instagram上貼出宣傳短片,片段首先見到香港全景地圖,轉眼就變成其時裝店所在地中環置地廣場旁邊的街景。她更貼上文字:「So excited to be coming to Hong Kong! My new store opens March 18th… x vb」接着再誠意地以中文翻譯該段文字,卻因為用了簡體字,惹來中港兩地網民「駁火」。 碧咸全家撐場 湊巧昨日是香港教育局就中小學納入認讀簡體字課程進行諮詢的最後一天,此事早已引來議論紛紛,碧咸嫂卻在敏感時刻使用簡體字宣傳香港店鋪,令本來是發布喜訊的短文,變成中港兩地網民爭拗的平台。有網民不滿她使用簡體字,亦有人趁機拉扯上兩地矛盾話題,但亦有人維護碧咸嫂,指她願意使用中文已經誠意十足。 情人節當天、美國時間早上10時許,碧咸帶着三子一女現身紐約時裝周,欣賞太太Victoria自家品牌2016秋冬時裝騷。錫女錫到燶的碧咸全程抱着「小情人」哈七(Harper Senven),長子Brooklyn則不時舉起手機幫媽媽拍下現場盛況。 第二間實體店 早前英國《太陽報》爆料指碧咸夫婦將分居半年,全因碧咸嫂會來港開設新店,前日在時裝騷上,她正式宣布喜訊,透露繼倫敦首家旗艦店後,位於香港中環置地廣場的全球第二間、亞洲首間實體店將在下月18日正式開幕,當日她更會親臨店鋪主持開幕禮。據知是次新店是與香港名店JOYCE合作,新店亦有參考倫敦旗艦店的設計。 另外,紐約時裝周還有不少其他品牌的花生騷展示來季新裝,其中品牌Diane von Furstenberg邀請了多位國際名模,包括Victoria Secret女模Gigi Hadid、Lily Aldridge、Jourdan Dunn等亮相,另有影帝畢列谷巴(Bradley Cooper)女友Irina Shayk。於Edun的時裝騷中,則邀來U2主音Bono,以及《救參96小時》男星里安尼遜(Liam Neeson)捧場。 ■碧咸嫂在花生騷完結後風騷地謝幕,還公布將來港開店的喜訊。(路透社) ■碧咸嫂用簡體字發布來港開店的喜訊,惹來是非。 ■碧咸偕三子一女為老婆的花生騷撐場。(美聯社) ■碧咸嫂於情人節在紐約時裝周發布新作。(路透社) ■U2主音Bono(左二)與男星里安尼遜(右二)齊齊現身欣賞Edun時裝騷。(法新社) ■碧咸嫂品牌的全球第二間實體店將於下月在置地廣場開幕。