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Posts Tagged ‘ Hotel Vivier

Roger Vivier spring and summer 2020 new product was released on the 15th

Roger Vivier spring and summer 2020 new product was released on the 15th, and invited Hou Peicen, a female star across many fields, to perform. Now she seldom goes out for shopping. When she comes out to work, she can’t help seizing the opportunity to find out what she wants to buy. She laughs and says, “I don’t think there’s anything missing at home. When I go out, I want to buy a lot.

Now she has to be quick and precise when she goes shopping, because she is afraid of not enough time. “So she wants to buy classic ones, and now she wants to wear them comfortably. Like the 6.5cm high shoes on her feet this time, Mr. Vivier said that this is the most comfortable height to show women’s lines and walk on the road. “Her husband doesn’t care what she wears when she goes out. Instead, her son has a lot of opinions. When she shows her legs, she will ask,” where are you going today? Cover your legs. “I also read that other sons think their mother is the most beautiful, but the 5-year-old son praised other women in front of her.” yesterday, I saw an air steward on the plane, and my son asked me if there was any gem for him to send, so I had to shed tears from here..

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Roger Vivier continues the theme of “Hotel Vivier” in spring and summer 2020, taking inspiration from dramas, musicals and song and dance performances, and uncovering the splendid scenes behind the gorgeous performances. Call me Vivier hand embroidered the brand on the shoe bag, with detachable “RV” leather tassel on the upper.

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Viv’run leisure shoes have a 7.5cm high arc sole, which realizes the seemingly impossible integration between high order fashion and leisure style. In spring and summer 2020, men’s shoes will be launched for the first time. The new design also includes sandals, which can be worn alone or with socks, especially the light rose color launched in Taiwan, which will be sold exclusively in Roger Vivier Taiwan boutique.

2019 Roger Vivier 罗杰·维维亚发布春夏系列

  Roger Vivier 罗杰·维维亚发布 2019春夏系列

  Roger Vivier 罗杰·维维亚近期在北京银泰中心精品店发布了2019春夏系列。

  精心打造的预览现场以“Hotel Vivier”为主题倾情赞颂了现代女性的百变风姿与优雅态度,深入探索品牌的典藏设计,打造了精彩纷呈的光影之旅,开启品牌创意新篇章。

  本系列为品牌创意总监Gherardo Felloni格拉多·费罗尼的首季作品,在他的想象世界中,女性如同花园中绚丽的花朵,浪漫梦幻又遗世独立。他的设计精致华丽,以宝石、羽毛和丝缎等材料展现出多变魅力的同时,也延续了罗杰·维维亚不朽的奢华精髓。

  格拉多认为,罗杰·维维亚的精髓在于精致的轮廓线条、大胆鲜明的色彩运用及致敬经典的独到匠心。 本系列也别出心裁地致敬了维维亚先生的创意杰作,精致的鞋履上点缀着羽毛水晶的精致装饰,彰显出精湛斐然的鞋履工艺,更显别致动人。

Tres Vivier 为本季最为主要的系列,鞋履设计向经典 Belle Vivier 致敬,彰显大胆前卫的女性气质,华美细腻的面料缀以闪耀迷人的水钻方扣,展露华丽性感的迷人韵致。搭配同系列 Tres Vivier 包袋,完美演绎日常的百变造型。

Tres Vivier 系列

灵感来源于罗杰·维维亚古董鞋款,以 18世纪完美比例对称的凡尔赛花园为原型,打造出全新 Broche Vivier 凡尔赛钻扣。施华洛世奇水晶搭配组合,如花瓣飘落,拼凑出足尖的繁花锦簇。包袋采用别致的

Drape 绸缎面料,在繁华都市的熠熠光彩下,折射出细腻光泽,打造都会摩登的维维亚女郎。

Broche Vivier 凡尔赛钻扣系列

维维亚以别出心裁的鞋履设计大胆示爱,I Love Vivier 系列彰显女性果敢自信的独特魅力。简洁的轮廓 线条碰撞鲜明的强烈色彩,独具匠心的巧妙设计使鞋口尖角与鞋内衬垫上的红色图案构成一颗饱满红心,尽显意趣俏皮。Viv’ Sellier 日装包选取花园中绚丽的花朵配色,包袋皮革采用 Sellier 缝合技术,更具硬挺塑形。

Viv’ Sellier 日装包

I Love Vivier 高跟鞋

Viv’ Run 运动鞋的灵感来源于维维亚标志性鞋履 —— Belle Vivier。不同于传统运动鞋的绑带设计,格拉多以标志性方形饰扣点缀于网状织面鞋身,带来意想不到的风格碰撞。采用独特雕塑感曲线设计, 7.5cm 鞋跟致敬维维亚经典 The Choc Heel 内弯跟。鞋内饰有经典罗杰·维维亚 Logo,再现上世纪 60 年代的巴黎风尚。

Viv’ Run 运动鞋

这一季, Gentlemen Belle Vivier 系列优雅亮相男士鞋履世界,以男性化视角重新演绎维维亚经典方形饰扣,尽显男士沉稳洒脱的风格魅力。

Gentlemen Belle Vivier 男士鞋履系列