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馮盈盈後悔Hurt人 戒色做「熟」女


「新聞女王」馮盈盈拍劇、綜藝「起雙飛」,但為了提升演技,即使忙爆仍修讀心理課程。brooks shoes視演藝為終身事業的她,短期內不打算再拍拖,為求進步不惜「戒色」犧牲戀愛,婚姻更是遙遙無期!由於對自己要求很高,壓力爆煲的她連發夢都諗住拍檔陸浩明,連自己都嚇親!

下月10日便踏入27歲的馮盈盈,出道時性格率真,經過5年時間洗禮,煉成金剛不壞之身。以為連串是非會對她造成心理烙印,她向Fans大派定心丸:「真係冇唔開心,反而感激大家留意我。要保持呢個心態,同自己講唔好諗埋一邊,正所謂No news is bad news(沒有新聞即是壞新聞),只係早排屋企人打畀我,問我要唔要搬返去一齊住,先知原來佢哋好擔心我,所以就提醒自己做好啲囉!」

她無意效法麥明詩及朱千雪另謀發展,堅定視演藝工作為終身事業,更與無綫「加簽」10年約,未來尚有很長的一段日子要走,催化她變得成熟:「以前成日Natural high,講嘢可能過咗分寸,雖然唔係刻意令其他人有Hard feelings,但都畀人唔經大腦嘅感覺。依家人大咗經歷多咗,唔想再好似以前咁Green,skechers shoes令觀眾覺得我冇進步。」





與醫生舊愛甩拖,緋聞男友鄭衍峰又冇下文,短期內未有打算再墮愛河的她,謝絕任何異性埋身,實行戒色!她將日常生活「逼爆」,每日僅休息數小時:「我報讀咗個關於心理嘅課程,知唔知咩叫Deadline fighter?我6月要交十幾份Paper趕畢業,但依家只係做咗幾份咋!覺得自己青春不再,只係大學畢業咗幾年,依家做番學生感覺已經好難。我又唔係打算考獲專業資格嘅,畢到業都算對自己有交代喇!點知我壓力大到不堪,有晚發夢同6號一齊考Science(科學),佢話佢識晒,我當堂成個紮醒,你話幾恐怖呢!」


Roger Vivier spring and summer 2020 new product was released on the 15th

Roger Vivier spring and summer 2020 new product was released on the 15th, and invited Hou Peicen, a female star across many fields, to perform. Now she seldom goes out for shopping. When she comes out to work, she can’t help seizing the opportunity to find out what she wants to buy. She laughs and says, “I don’t think there’s anything missing at home. When I go out, I want to buy a lot.

Now she has to be quick and precise when she goes shopping, because she is afraid of not enough time. “So she wants to buy classic ones, and now she wants to wear them comfortably. Like the 6.5cm high shoes on her feet this time, Mr. Vivier said that this is the most comfortable height to show women’s lines and walk on the road. “Her husband doesn’t care what she wears when she goes out. Instead, her son has a lot of opinions. When she shows her legs, she will ask,” where are you going today? Cover your legs. “I also read that other sons think their mother is the most beautiful, but the 5-year-old son praised other women in front of her.” yesterday, I saw an air steward on the plane, and my son asked me if there was any gem for him to send, so I had to shed tears from here..

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Roger Vivier continues the theme of “Hotel Vivier” in spring and summer 2020, taking inspiration from dramas, musicals and song and dance performances, and uncovering the splendid scenes behind the gorgeous performances. Call me Vivier hand embroidered the brand on the shoe bag, with detachable “RV” leather tassel on the upper.

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Viv’run leisure shoes have a 7.5cm high arc sole, which realizes the seemingly impossible integration between high order fashion and leisure style. In spring and summer 2020, men’s shoes will be launched for the first time. The new design also includes sandals, which can be worn alone or with socks, especially the light rose color launched in Taiwan, which will be sold exclusively in Roger Vivier Taiwan boutique.