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艾粒X農夫主持《大整蠱》 網民:《玩嘢王》好睇啲



過往無綫都有推出過整蠱節目,例如《愚樂I love U》、《玩嘢王》及《農夫小儀嬉》等等,節目嘅收視及口碑都不俗。而噚晚嘅《大整蠱》先有家燕姐被假老虎嚇,然後再有要講出口號「雪糕感謝祭,食完高過曾志偉」兼食wasabi雪糕嘅黃美琪及何遠東。最後當然係重頭戲,阿Bob被安排為一個「假」慈善騷嘅飛車項目做司儀,為求逼真節目組仲搵埋馮盈盈、謝嘉怡及陳楨怡等人做幫兇。期間Bob頂替陳楨怡,坐喺飾演「總理」嘅特技人旁邊進行飄移表演,佢仲被假扮着火暈喺地下嘅特技人嚇親。唔少網民睇完之後都話《玩嘢王》好睇啲,例如:「之前李思捷玩嘢王入面整蠱環節好睇好多囉」及「立刻翻睇玩野王bob果集,到而家都覺得好笑,李思捷係有料的!今次呢個唔好笑」等等。


今次主角阿Bob先被飄移嚇到面容扭曲,之後「總理」嘅車冒煙,「總理」更着火變成火人。阿Bob除咗即時叫人報警同拎滅火筒,佢仲拉拍檔馮盈盈離開及用外套向「總理」身上撲火。唔少網民睇完都大讚佢,例如「Bob哥好男人!有guts 」、「Bob敬業到」、「真係抵呀bob做MC發達」及「睇到Bob好專業…但我個人覺得不應玩到咁大。因Bob心臟麻麻」等等。


Roger Vivier spring and summer 2020 new product was released on the 15th

Roger Vivier spring and summer 2020 new product was released on the 15th, and invited Hou Peicen, a female star across many fields, to perform. Now she seldom goes out for shopping. When she comes out to work, she can’t help seizing the opportunity to find out what she wants to buy. She laughs and says, “I don’t think there’s anything missing at home. When I go out, I want to buy a lot.

Now she has to be quick and precise when she goes shopping, because she is afraid of not enough time. “So she wants to buy classic ones, and now she wants to wear them comfortably. Like the 6.5cm high shoes on her feet this time, Mr. Vivier said that this is the most comfortable height to show women’s lines and walk on the road. “Her husband doesn’t care what she wears when she goes out. Instead, her son has a lot of opinions. When she shows her legs, she will ask,” where are you going today? Cover your legs. “I also read that other sons think their mother is the most beautiful, but the 5-year-old son praised other women in front of her.” yesterday, I saw an air steward on the plane, and my son asked me if there was any gem for him to send, so I had to shed tears from here..

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Roger Vivier continues the theme of “Hotel Vivier” in spring and summer 2020, taking inspiration from dramas, musicals and song and dance performances, and uncovering the splendid scenes behind the gorgeous performances. Call me Vivier hand embroidered the brand on the shoe bag, with detachable “RV” leather tassel on the upper.

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Viv’run leisure shoes have a 7.5cm high arc sole, which realizes the seemingly impossible integration between high order fashion and leisure style. In spring and summer 2020, men’s shoes will be launched for the first time. The new design also includes sandals, which can be worn alone or with socks, especially the light rose color launched in Taiwan, which will be sold exclusively in Roger Vivier Taiwan boutique.